AND ALL YOU THOUGHT THEY DO NOT, WILL NOT, OR CAN NOT LIE OR COVERUP? The Propaganda GBC paper run by J Robert White and Gerald Harris originally reported and covered up that their fellow employee & friend Mike Everson was a graduate of the institutions mentioned below in their retraction article. It was not until it was exposed on the internet by two well known Georgia bloggers, who via a website and emails demanded a "retraction of the lie and coverup thereafter," - and in our opinion - in writing the article originally in January 2008 the paper acted to deceive the Baptist denomination. This announcement of his position was originally placed in the paper as a huge deal. The retraction on May 2009 was a forced move and they were made to do this correction because of truths and investigative work by the bloggers in which Mr Harris was presented with the actual facts and circumstances and proof. In what was an obvious attempt to lift Mike Everson to a higher level of education than he had actually earned for the eyes and ears of the Georgia Baptist world, it was only after the continued pressure from websites and others with facts and knowledge that Gerald Harris, J Robert White, and the Christian Index Propaganda Baptist paper finally corrected the lie and after months of demands the paper finally correctly reported that Mike Everson, in fact, had NOT graduated from any seminaries, institutions, or colleges and according to sources- he still hasn't! ( but at least he did graduate from Valdosta High School )
Now what about the sons and all the disciples?
Read the actual archived Christian Index articles ( both the lie and retracted one ) below;.