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Friday, February 18, 2011


      "Its a bird, its a plane, it's....Cult Buster! Entering the "Blogging Zone!"




My first post is coming Saturday Feb 19th...

Thanks Chad Everson.

Faithful Member said...

WOW I will be watching too. I am a member of Trinity and so much want to see Chad gone and a sense of peace and Christ back in God's church. Will check back tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Its been a long time since I've seen Brother Chad...and yes, I call him Brother.

Here's what I believe: I believe all of you have too much time on your hands. I believe that if any of this was true...and I'm not saying it is or isn' causes me to question why God Himself has not moved to eliminate this supposed cult leader from the Christian pulpit. And I know God better than that. He DOES NOT sit idly by while false profits are attempting to lead His children astray. Yes, sometimes He uses people, as in the case of Nathan confronting David of his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah.

However, you and your group, as well as those you end up recruiting through your blogs, seem to be just on a witch hunt. I can't help but wonder if this is something more personal than spiritual. And if you...meaning in the third person....are doing any of this on your own and not because God has specifically called you to do so, then I shudder to think what God has in store for you for causing such havoc in His Church.

I understand that pastors, because of the responsibility that comes with being one, are held to a higher level of accountability. But I KNOW Chad Everson. I KNOW Jarrod Everson. I KNOW Jeff Summers (sp?). (BTW, when YOU made it known about Jarrod's past sin with pornography, it was brought up before our church...MSBC....and explained) And I am confident that if any of these men were attempting to do what you are accusing them of, they would be convicted to the point of tears and utter brokenness.

In my view, you are a persecutor of the Church. If you dare be honest, please share with us what the event was that started you on this mission to destroy people. I remember you rearing your head while I was at MSBC. And that was close to 5 or 6 years ago. If you are so confident in what you are panning out and claiming to be truth, why don't we know your real name? Where you live? How do we contact you with questions other than through a faceless and cowardly avenue as you have found here on the internet?

Bottom line people: God doesn't need your help. If you think He does, then you have no idea of His magnitude and power. And lastly, we are called to worship, praise and love Him above all else; not follow a family of men around the country to every church they go. I see all this as interfering with your worship. And God's not all.

Stephen Preston
425 Waverly Street
Waverly NY 14892

Anonymous said...

"Many are the plans of a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

Anonymous said...

I would also like to suggest that all who are following this should pray. Seek out His guidance and Truth on what to do and be careful....VERY forming your opinions and decisions based on information from any man.


Steven aka Cross eyed;

Very well written from a CULT follower.

You think I am someone who exposed these men in the past, dude you are WRONG! I have picked up on it though many blogs and interviews and it made me realize what " Pharisees" we have now stealing life from the unknowing.

As far as my email, my email is on here. Look under my profile!

Now, with that said. These men are well known deceivers and have busted and broken many families, relationships, and friendships and have NEVER apologized for it!

An apology goes a long way, but they can't say these two words "I'm Sorry"........

If you don't like these "truth" blogs that are now posting all over the internet about your disciples and cult leaders, don't read them.

However, I want you and everyone else to know that there will only stories written as long they continue to manipulate the "dumb masses!"

We just happen to have common sense and see right through their BS!

And beside, we think BLOGS are a GOD called mission. And brother, Men you speak of and their "back scratchin buddies" give us plenty to write and post about!

Thank YOU Stephen for reminding us of why we post these TRUTHS about your kind and your disciples.

CULT followers are just plain stupid!